A todos os que se interessam...

...puxem de uma cadeira, acomodem-se e disfrutem a viagem pois "as tarefas quotidianas jamais impediram alguém de seguir os seus sonhos" (in As Valquirias, Paulo Coelho)!!!

quinta-feira, 13 de maio de 2010

PPEL - Unit 3: Task 2 LO

Publication of the Learning Object regarding Unit 3, Task 2.

This LO was created using GOANIMATE.COM.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I had in doing it!

It is about transparency and cooperative learning in online teaching environments.

GoAnimate.com: Transparency and cooperative learning by marinampel04

Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun!

I would like to add that the making of this LO is based on the readings described and commented in the Annotated Bibliography regarding Transparency in Online Education also published on this Blog.

Thank you all and keep up the good work! :-)

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