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...puxem de uma cadeira, acomodem-se e disfrutem a viagem pois "as tarefas quotidianas jamais impediram alguém de seguir os seus sonhos" (in As Valquirias, Paulo Coelho)!!!

terça-feira, 23 de março de 2010

Commenting on Juliana LO and on Maria João Spilker's Annotated Bibliography ...

Comment on Juliana's LO...

Before starting my comment I would like to say that I feel that everybody did an excelent work on the LOs and it was not easy to choose which one to talk about. My choice fell on Juliana's work because I feel that she contemplated a situation that few of us did - she showed the perspective of a teacher in search for a strategy to please all his students and we all know how difficult it is to please them all together and at the same time ... but we are constantly trying to do it - its our everyday task and mission!

In terms of accessibility, the LO is easy to read and to understand its content. Its design is not complex and anyone who sees it understands the objective of its creator. The usage of colours - black, for letters, and blue for the cartons representing the teacher and the students - is neutral and to show interaction between the teacher ans the students, Juliana chose speech ballons, which I consider very appropriate in this situation. A music with a certain beat is being played at the same time as the presentation takes place and this gives the idea of movement which is also very appealing. At the end a references list - two references - is given to allow the viewer the possibility to find out more on the topic discussed.

Regarding the content, this LO is about a teacher in search of the best way to teach and keep students motivated. Being a teacher is a constant challenge and a continuous process for we are always searching for the right way to captivate and motivate our students and, although students need (specific and well orientated) guidelines to produce, it is also true that their creativity need to blossom. I enjoyed Juliana's perspective because she presented us a teacher concerned with his students interests and their methods of work.

This teacher tries to give them not only freedom to choose how to work - it could be an individual task or not -, but also a way of working in an online environment, that is, they could be anywhere with their colleagues or not to develop the task. The teacher balances his proposal of a task according to his goals, but always bearing in mind his students needs, interests, paces, times, spaces, individualities... I feel this is very important, because the use of internet and the learning environments online give us a sort of an " cooperative open teaching class", for we can, in fact, cooperate together, thanks to internet... And in this "new classroom" everybody is free to enroll, take a seat and share his or her knowlege and experience while solving the tasks that are presented during the course and achieve the academic goals they long for.

Teaching and learning becomes a lifetime enriching experience!

Comment on Maria João Spilker's Annotated Bibliography...

Maria João pointed out three bibliographical references:

  • The Theory of Cooperative Online Education, by Prof. Paulsen (a Commic strip).
  • Cooperative Freedom and Transparency Online Education, by Prof. Paulsen (An article).
  • La Educación Online Exitosa Debe Ser Robusta Y Sustentable, (an Interview) to Prof. Paulsen.

Bearing in mind the content, I found Maria João’s Annotated Bibliography clear, concise and very incisive. She also presented a brief summary (between 100 and 150 words) on each bibliographical reference . In terms of accessibility, she made easy and accessible references regarding the texts in question.

The first one is a comic strip where Prof. Paulsen’s Theory on Cooperative Freedom is introduced and where he defines and explains the notions behind the terms individual, collaborative a cooperative learning.

On the second one, Prof. Paulsen theorizes about the level of transparency that each student should or should not show, for as the author says: “Transparency improves quality and promotes cooperation, but students should be free to choose their individual privacy level.

Regarding the last one, in an interview Prof. Paulsen points out, according to his opinion, how education should be, how the teacher’s work has to be and he also tries to clarify the concepts of individual, collaborative and cooperative learning.

I must confess the last two spiced my will to read them.

In my opinion, her perspective highlighted and helped me to guide my (next) readings on a more profound way regarding the notion on the Theory of Cooperative Freedom. And although I feel that she could have made another reference to a different writer, I understand her choices and agree with them for Prof. Paulsen is the “brain” behind Cooperative Freedom.

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